Taylor Brickman: Learning the Tricks of the Tile Trade
May 17, 2022
[Originally published as part of a series in FCNews]
I help run a small, family-owned business, Tile Envy in LaPorte, Ind., that opened May 31, 2021. We have a showroom, and we offer design and installation as well. I got into tile because my fiancé, AJ, had always been in the remodeling trade, mainly tile. He wanted to open a showroom as a family, so we—including his parents and I—jumped in together and worked hard to make it happen.
My jobs currently include design, sales, orders, working with distributors and scheduling, and I’m currently the face of the showroom. Did I mention I’m also a full-time mom and we have four children? AJ does our consultations and installations with the help of his brother and another installer we know. Frank and Kathie (AJ’s parents) make sure to cover all the office work, electronic needs and business management. Needless to say, we’ve all had to take on many hats.
At first, when the money wasn’t coming in, I really had no idea what I was doing. Sometimes I still don’t, so I have to seek out the answers. And, honestly, sometimes I have been afraid to ask questions. I have been afraid to look unqualified in this industry; sometimes I’m unable to answer questions because I am so new. But I tell our customers, “If I don’t know the answer, I will absolutely find the answer.” We ask the questions—that’s the only way we learn. I have spent a lot of time on the phone and on the internet endlessly researching information or products for our clients.
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About the Author:
Taylor Brickman is owner of a new retail tile store, Tile Envy, located in LaPorte, Ind. She owns the business with her fiancé, AJ, and his parents. She is also a mother of four.
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