Well developed Forms support Systems that work

business processes client file commercial job consultation form field measure forms operational excellence residential job systems work order form Dec 07, 2021
Well organized files increase efficiency

Dianne Grossman has operational excellence down to a science as an authorized Dealer in New Jersey where her brand, The Carpet Girl is a household name.

She shared a few pieces of some of her processes with us, take a look at these forms and maybe take some inspiration that you can incorporate into the forms that you’re using.

Consultation Form

The carpet girl
Client full name street address city

Coupled with a detailed drawing, like the one here, the Consultation form includes all of the information that Dianne needs to document when they go out to do a field measure at a residential or commercial job.


Client File

Unnamed 23
Unnamed 24
Envelope 1

The Client File, made up of two detailed forms is printed on an envelope!  How clever is that?

Work Order Form

The carpet girl 2

Proprietary documents and all images contained in this post are © The Carpet Girl, LLC. All rights reserved.  


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